Luis Figueredo
Assistant Professor
Welcome to my website!
Here, you will find a little about me, my research, publications, cool (and hopefully educative) robotic videos, some interesting resources, and the latest news about my lab and my research group. Feel free to explore the website and contact me.
Well, let me start with a short bio about myself.
My work is currently focused on the many challenges involving human-centric robotics. Particularly, my goal is to build intelligent robots that help and assist humans in performing different tasks in a safe, efficient, natural, and comfortable manner. These constraints are recurrent in my research, which spams through multiple areas of knowledge, e.g., geometric methods for manipulation and control, manipulation of complex real-world objects, cooperative manipulation, safe physical human-robot interaction, implicit and explicit human-robot communication, biomechanics-aware assistive robotics, and core concepts of control theory and geometry algebra.
Finally, I am a strong believer that real-world robotics challenges can only be addressed through interdisciplinarity, collaborations, and lots of coffee.

Get the ball rolling:
Latest News and Updates
Had a wonderful time giving a talk at the Learning for Assistive Manipulation WS at RSS-2024! Many thanks for the amazing WS. Kudos to the organizers Fan Zhang, Jihong Zhu, PhD, Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee, Zackory Erickson, Jens Kober and Maya Cakmak !
Thrilled to announce that the 3rd Geriatronics Summit was a success!! š -
Check out the photos:
A beautiful place with enlightening conversations about the future of Geriatronics. Many thanks to Speakers: Eckehard Steinbach, Aaron Edsinger, Astrid Weiss, Dana Kulic, Robert Riener, Christian Ott, seth hutchinson, Georgia Chalvatzaki, Uli Fischer, Yanan Li, Meghan Huber, Mohamed Bouri, Katrin Paldan
Visit to Julie Shah's Lab at MIT
Visited Julie Shah's Iterative Lab at MIT. It was great to see their brilliant work, give a talk, and discuss research with Mike, Dimos, and others. Thanks for the warm reception!

Keep in touch!
MSc Projects and UG Projects @ Nottingham!
If you are an undergrad or MSc student at Nottingham, and you are hard-working and interested in robotics, please reach out.
We have a lovely and friend team who always welcome new members.